Holy moly, is it huge! Switching from a Sony 36" tubal TV circa sometime in the 1990s, this TV is like the most amazing thing since sliced bread. Yesterday evening, I actually found myself fake-debating with The Husband to get to watch what I wanted (the Oscars) last night.
Me: The Oscars are on tonight.
The Husband: Oh goody. I so don't want to watch.
Me: Well, it looks like you are watching TV upstairs tonight then.
The Husband: What?
Me: Hey, you got to watch it all day yesterday (while I was out running errands and then to the David Gray concert) and this morning while I slept in. It's my turn!
The Husbad: We'll see...
...and he ended up watching the Oscars for a bit just so he could enjoy our newest addition before heading off to bed.
*Speaking of 3-D, we went and saw "Gnomeo and Juliet" last week in 3-D. It was definitely cute and I loved all the accents on the little gnomes. I don't know if it's worth seeing in 3-D, as it's not one of those movies (like "Avatar" or "A Christmas Carol") with all the action and effects used specifically for 3-D, but it's cute! The Husband and I joked about taking our glasses home with us to see if they work on our new 3-D tv - LOL!! I put mine back, but he kept his to test it out. I will let you know if it works (probably not)...
*My sister-in-law took me to see David Gray in concert this past Saturday night for an early birthday gift...and it was amazing! I've seen David Gray about 15 times (give or take) in concert now and each time it is seriously awesome and totally different from the last show. If you haven't already, become a fan and go see him live! You are welcome.
*The Husband and I took a trip to Disney World with my family last April. On the way home, we volunteered to give up our seats in exchange for a hotel for 2 nights and 2 round-trip tickets each for the continental U.S. Since we have yet to use any of the tickets yet, we have planned a trip to my parent's second home in North Carolina soon. We are going on a Thursday morning and coming home the following Monday night. With the short, non-stop flights both ways, that pretty much gives us 4 full days to enjoy some warmer weather, hush puppies, outlet shopping, crab legs, walking on the beach, and yummy crab cakes!
*We have hit a wall when it comes to painting/fixing up the house. We have always said that we want to get all the painting finished before Spring arrives because then we'll want to start working outside, but we just cannot get motivated. The Husband has taken down the wallpaper (both layers!)in the family room and has started to work on getting all the paste off and patching the walls, but that was many weeks ago and nothing has been accomplished since...other then picking up tons of paint swatches from Home Depot to pick out colors. Neither one of us wants to paint anymore. We would rather hire someone to do it, but I just can't justify spending money on something we could do ourselves. We'll see what happens...
*We have a covered outdoor patio right off our family room and it has a swing attached to the roof. Super cute, but needs a paint job. I was at Kohl's and Target over the weekend and saw some awesome outdoor pillows in beautiful bright colors.
It totally inspired me to paint our swing either a bright yellow or green and put some of these pillows on it to make a cozy, comfortable place to spend some summer evenings! I'm also on the hunt for a cute chandelier or light to replace the dinky, old one that's up now. Any ideas?
*It seems like we have gotten so much snow in the last month of so. It's been crazy! Last night, however, we got a thunderstorm with lightning and everything! In fact, it thundered so loud one time the entire house shook! Hope that means Spring is on its way!