Since I last posted, a lot has changed in our little corner of the world. The biggest change has been our beautiful son, LT. He came into the world and stole our hearts on February 9th. I have to say that while motherhood has definitely been the hardest thing I have done, it also has to be the most rewarding. That first week was really tough, no always knowing what to do or why he was crying. But as the days and weeks went by, I began to learn. I learned about LT, his little personality and what he wanted and when. He is my entire heart and I can seriously say that I have fallen in love all over again. He has been such a joy and such a blessing to us. Yes, there are definitely rough moments and hard days, but seriously, for the most part, LT has been such an easygoing and relaxed little guy. He is pretty chill most of the time and only really goes off the rails if he is H-U-N-G-R-Y and needs food NOW or elseohmygodheisgoingtostarvetodeaththisverysecond! :) I don't know if we should take all the credit for his laid-back personality, but we like to think that we have something to do with it. One good thing about having babies a little later in life (I just turned 36 last week; The Husband is 38) is that you get to see a lot of your friends and relatives raise kids. You get to observe a lot and learn about which techniques you like, what you don't like, what you can't wait to try out and things you don't ever want to do as a parent. I also have two nieces who have been in my life for almost 12 and 6 years, respectively, and The Husband has a lot of friends with kids he has been around since they were born. Together with our experiences, we know a lot about what kind of parents we want to be. We also have a bit more confidence in ourselves as parents, at least I know I do. I think all of this helps us to be more relaxed and less stressed (except for the first week of breastfeeding - holy hell!!), which leads to a more relaxed and less stressed baby.
LT is going to be 11 weeks tomorrow and I can't believe it! Time has gone by so fast. I have been back to work for almost two weeks and I miss the little lovebug when I'm gone, but it certainly helps me to appreciate the time I get to spend with him. I love going to him when he first wakes up in the morning, because he is just so happy and smiley. I heard his first real, from the gut laugh in the morning late last week and it was the most beautiful sound. I am tearing up now just thinking about it. I also love his evening routine of a bath, bottle and a little snuggle before bedtime. He can just be the sweetest baby then.
Meet our little one, LT!