We have quite a list of projects to do before Baby S. gets here. We want to paint the family room, foyer and hallway. We would like to finish up the second flower bed in the front yard. We would like to paint the downstairs bathroom. We are definitely going to completely gut the main bathroom upstairs. And, obviously, we have to get the nursery completed. This is quite a list and The Husband is willing to tackle what he can. With Christmas arriving in the first month of my third trimester, a baby shower in early January and getting ready for Baby S. after that, I don't want to be running around, trying to finish up the nursery. I want to get it done before my third trimester even begins so I don't have to worry about it and can then focus on the holidays and doing what I can to prepare and (hopefully) relax as much as possible before our little one arrives.
After finding out we were pregnant, I immediately started planning. We had already decided (before we even got pregnant) that we would go it old school and not find out the gender. I have always, always wanted it this way. I love the idea of not knowing and hearing The Husband yell out in the hallway "It's a ___!!!" to all of those anxiously waiting. However, nowadays, this can cause some grief. ALOT of the bedding, clothing and what-have-yous are not gender neutral. It's either pink/purple or blue/red. It is difficult finding things that can work for either a boy or girl. So this has been my frustration since soon after getting our Big Fat Positive.
I found a few options that I didn't detest, but still nothing that made me go "Oh yes, this is what I have been dreaming about." I am not a huge fan of all the cartoonish animals and characters. I prefer the modern, somewhat eclectiv, colorful and not too matchy-matchy look. So I was constantly on the internet, looking at stores, but found nothing that floated my boat.
I was at Target with The Husband and found the most perfect patterned comforter that I instantly fell in love with. I didn't buy it, but couldn't stop thinking about it either. All weekend I thought of nothing else, and on Monday, I headed back to that Target to buy the comforter. Here is where I ran into my first issue. The comforter was on deep clearance, at only $7.83! A steal, right?? However, I couldn't find any of the other pieces at any other local store and Target wasn't willing to check any other store around the United States unless I had a zip code. I was willing to pay the shipping costs, but they weren't willing to help. Luckily, I was able to buy the 3-piece set, along with curtains and the crib skirt online. I was ecstatic about that. I couldn't, however, get the changing pad cover or any of the single crib sheets (so I could have more then the one that comes with the set).
I figured I could just find some solid colored sheets and changing pads to coordinate and it would have to do, because I loved the rest of the set so much, right?
Not so fast! My MIL is an amazing sewer (she sewed for Ford Motor Company for 30 years or so) and has agreed to make a changing pad and crib sheet from the curtains that come with the set. They are 100% cotton and very soft and feel just like a sheet! So I ordered two more curtains and VOILA! A nursery has been born :)
Not only is she going to make those, she is also adding material to the bottom of the curtains to make them floor length. A friend and I found some awesome coordinating fabrics to help get the look I have always dreamed of and I couldn't be happier!
Here is a picture of the main pattern (on the right, in the package). It is an off white background with light blue, orange, sage and brown animals (hippos, giraffes, elephants, camels). There is a very small polka dots and a flower pattern inside each animal. The green fabric with white polka dots in the upper left corner is what's going to be at the bottom of the curtains to give them more length. The color matches perfectly and I love the polka dots that ties in with the polka dots in the animals. The orange fabric with the white flowers will be tied into the room by a pillow and possibly some wall art. The other small swatch of blue and brown fabric (on top of the main pattern curtain) may or may not be used, I am not sure yet.
I think we are going to go with the very top paint color, a lighter shade of the same green in the curtains and green polka dot fabric. We tried the darker green that's also in there, toward the bottom, but it is way too dark and olive-y for the room.
I also found a great rug at Target that will hopefully go with all the colors and tie the room together:
The rug arrived today, on the same day The Husband picked up the crib and dresser! He is hoping to paint this weekend and then, hopefully, the room will slowly start to come together.
Just for fun, here is a picture of the crib and dresser we found at Babies R Us. We got a great deal on everything and are very happy with our purchase:
The only thing I am missing is a mobile. Do I even need one of those?