Sooooo, how's it going?
I have been away from this blog for almost a year and a half. I know I have 8 or 9 followers, but I am pretty sure most of them didn't realize I was gone, because I was so new to the blogging world when I up and split.
There is a reason for my absence. And his name is RW. Strap on a feed bag, people. This is going to be a long one.
RW was our surprise. Our happy accident. Our serendipitous second child.
We found out on July 3rd that we were expecting our second. That morning I was brushing my teeth and when I got to my tongue, I started to gag. Now, gagging myself while brushing my tongue is pretty normal for me. What isn’t normal, though, is then proceeding to dry heave after doing so. The only time I have ever done that was when I was pregnant with LT. Once I was done, I said to The Husband “Uh, did you hear that (he was in the bedroom)?” and he said “Yeah. What was that about?” I went back into the bedroom and said “The only time I have ever done that is when I was pregnant with LT.” We decided I’d better take a test, and I had a few leftover in the drawer, but my mom was due any minute to watch LT for the day and we both had to leave for work. So I grabbed a PT (bypassing the digital one, because why waste it? I knew I wasn’t pregnant. There was no way!) and headed out the door. Of course, all the way to work, I thought there was no way. I mean, yes, my monthly visit from Aunt Flo had been sporadic and I couldn’t remember when it had last appeared. And then there was the month where I had it, like, three times (or so I thought). Still, there was no way.
Once I got to work, I headed straight for the bathroom and took the test. Then I punched in five minutes on the timer on my desk and tried to work. After five minutes of pretending to work, I checked the test and, PHEW, no second line! False ala….wait a minute! Is that a line? Is that a second line??? I am telling you people, the line was so faint, that I instantly knew what ALL those other people who say “the line was so faint, I couldn’t tell if I was imagining it or if it was really there” were saying. People I previously called morons (Sorry). I seriously could not tell if there was a second line. So, I drove to the CVS down the street and bought a digital test (like the one I had left in my drawer at home because I wasn’t pregnant).
The first time I took the digital test, I put the damn stick in upside down, so the results never posted on the screen. But when I pulled that stick out, I could see two clear lines on the test window. I don’t even know why I wasted my time doing a second test, but I did. Just to have the words spelled out to me.
I didn’t even have to set the timer for a second before the word “Pregnant” flashed up on the screen. I immediately started crying and called The Husband. “I’m pregnant” I bawled into the phone. “Nu-uh” he said. I stopped my crying for a second to think “Did those two syllables he just said have happiness and excitement behind them?” Then I went back to crying. This was unplanned, unprepared for and there was no way in HELL I was ready to even THINK about another baby. Instantly, I was bombarded by worry. I was worried that we didn’t have the finances for two babies. I was worried that we wouldn’t be able to handle two so close in age. My biggest worry, though, was that I would be so busy taking care of a newborn, that I would miss so many moments of LT’s young life.
I called my OB/GYN after to get in to see her as soon as possible. One of my tubes doesn’t open all the way, so she wanted to see me as soon as I got a positive when trying for LT to make sure it wasn’t ectopic. I assumed she would want to do the same with RW. I was right and I had an appointment that afternoon. I told my boss I had something I needed to take care of and would have to leave early. The Husband met me at the doctor’s and we were quickly assured that, yes, we were expecting. She then proceeded to feel my stomach and uterus, all the while saying “Yeah, I thought it was a little big the last time you were here (for my annual checkup in June).” My eyes widened and I was all “Why didn’t you say anything!?!” She just kind of shrugged and said “You had just given birth.” Then she hit me with the biggest bomb EVER: “Feels like you are about 11-12 weeks along.”
She gelled me up and did an ultrasound. I saw the baby on the screen and was immediately relieved. It was so small, there was no way I was that far along. I wasn’t a terrible mom for not knowing I was 11 weeks pregnant. The doc said “Looks like you are about 13 weeks along and your due date is estimated to be 1/1/13. And look, the baby is waving at you! Hi mom!"
I WASN’T EVEN LOOKING AT THE BABY!!! I was in such denial that I didn’t focus on the HUGE baby in my stomach that was WAVING at me. Instead, I focused on I-don’t-even-know-what and said “Yup, she’s wrong.” The woman who had just given birth and had luckily seen her child on the ultrasound screen more times than most pregnant woman do didn’t even recognize the second trimester baby looking right at me. I instantly started crying and said “How could I not know?” I was devastated. And I felt like the world’s worst mother. I cried “I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry.” I immediately thought about the alcohol I had drank (I wasn’t breastfeeding LT), but the doctor reassured me that it would be fine, as long as I didn’t drink anymore.
I was already 13 weeks along! I had "missed" pretty much the entire first trimester! I mean, seriously? Who does that?!?! There was one time I was joking with my husband saying that maybe I was so tired all the time because "I am pregnant, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Well, looks like the joke was on me, because I was. Pregnant. In my 13th week. After giving birth to LT only 5 months ago (meaning we conceived RS about 6-8 weeks after LT arrived). SMH.
So yeah, there's that.
I swear we were using birth control and I started the pill once I started my cycle again. Apparently, though, my lady parts were just too strong to be held down by modern medicine and "the goalie." Women who have recently or are about to give birth please heed my cry: THEY ARE NOT LYING WHEN THEY SAY YOU ARE AT YOUR MOST FERTILE AFTER GIVING BIRTH!!! Do not mess around with it.
Two children in less than 11 months. Irish Twins.
Next up, how I became the mom of two children less than 8 months apart. And you thought this one was long…
The Ramblings of a Thirtysomething Wife
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Angela's Birthday Giveaway
Over at Sweet Tea Diaries, Angela is celebrating her 28th birthday today! In order to let us in on the celebration, she is doing an amazing giveaway. She is gifting one lucky winner with a pair of Elle earrings from Kendra Scott Jewelry! Amazing, right? These earrings are gorgeous and just the right size.
They come in a ton of beautiful colors and if you win, you get to pick your favorite!
To find out how to win these gorgeous earrings, and to wish Angela a very happy birthday, visit Sweet Tea Diaries!
They come in a ton of beautiful colors and if you win, you get to pick your favorite!
To find out how to win these gorgeous earrings, and to wish Angela a very happy birthday, visit Sweet Tea Diaries!
So, it's been a while...
Since I last posted, a lot has changed in our little corner of the world. The biggest change has been our beautiful son, LT. He came into the world and stole our hearts on February 9th. I have to say that while motherhood has definitely been the hardest thing I have done, it also has to be the most rewarding. That first week was really tough, no always knowing what to do or why he was crying. But as the days and weeks went by, I began to learn. I learned about LT, his little personality and what he wanted and when. He is my entire heart and I can seriously say that I have fallen in love all over again. He has been such a joy and such a blessing to us. Yes, there are definitely rough moments and hard days, but seriously, for the most part, LT has been such an easygoing and relaxed little guy. He is pretty chill most of the time and only really goes off the rails if he is H-U-N-G-R-Y and needs food NOW or elseohmygodheisgoingtostarvetodeaththisverysecond! :) I don't know if we should take all the credit for his laid-back personality, but we like to think that we have something to do with it. One good thing about having babies a little later in life (I just turned 36 last week; The Husband is 38) is that you get to see a lot of your friends and relatives raise kids. You get to observe a lot and learn about which techniques you like, what you don't like, what you can't wait to try out and things you don't ever want to do as a parent. I also have two nieces who have been in my life for almost 12 and 6 years, respectively, and The Husband has a lot of friends with kids he has been around since they were born. Together with our experiences, we know a lot about what kind of parents we want to be. We also have a bit more confidence in ourselves as parents, at least I know I do. I think all of this helps us to be more relaxed and less stressed (except for the first week of breastfeeding - holy hell!!), which leads to a more relaxed and less stressed baby.
LT is going to be 11 weeks tomorrow and I can't believe it! Time has gone by so fast. I have been back to work for almost two weeks and I miss the little lovebug when I'm gone, but it certainly helps me to appreciate the time I get to spend with him. I love going to him when he first wakes up in the morning, because he is just so happy and smiley. I heard his first real, from the gut laugh in the morning late last week and it was the most beautiful sound. I am tearing up now just thinking about it. I also love his evening routine of a bath, bottle and a little snuggle before bedtime. He can just be the sweetest baby then.
Meet our little one, LT!
LT is going to be 11 weeks tomorrow and I can't believe it! Time has gone by so fast. I have been back to work for almost two weeks and I miss the little lovebug when I'm gone, but it certainly helps me to appreciate the time I get to spend with him. I love going to him when he first wakes up in the morning, because he is just so happy and smiley. I heard his first real, from the gut laugh in the morning late last week and it was the most beautiful sound. I am tearing up now just thinking about it. I also love his evening routine of a bath, bottle and a little snuggle before bedtime. He can just be the sweetest baby then.
Meet our little one, LT!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Laundry List
I take after my mother, which means I am an all-out, balls to the wall planner.
We have quite a list of projects to do before Baby S. gets here. We want to paint the family room, foyer and hallway. We would like to finish up the second flower bed in the front yard. We would like to paint the downstairs bathroom. We are definitely going to completely gut the main bathroom upstairs. And, obviously, we have to get the nursery completed. This is quite a list and The Husband is willing to tackle what he can. With Christmas arriving in the first month of my third trimester, a baby shower in early January and getting ready for Baby S. after that, I don't want to be running around, trying to finish up the nursery. I want to get it done before my third trimester even begins so I don't have to worry about it and can then focus on the holidays and doing what I can to prepare and (hopefully) relax as much as possible before our little one arrives.
After finding out we were pregnant, I immediately started planning. We had already decided (before we even got pregnant) that we would go it old school and not find out the gender. I have always, always wanted it this way. I love the idea of not knowing and hearing The Husband yell out in the hallway "It's a ___!!!" to all of those anxiously waiting. However, nowadays, this can cause some grief. ALOT of the bedding, clothing and what-have-yous are not gender neutral. It's either pink/purple or blue/red. It is difficult finding things that can work for either a boy or girl. So this has been my frustration since soon after getting our Big Fat Positive.
I found a few options that I didn't detest, but still nothing that made me go "Oh yes, this is what I have been dreaming about." I am not a huge fan of all the cartoonish animals and characters. I prefer the modern, somewhat eclectiv, colorful and not too matchy-matchy look. So I was constantly on the internet, looking at stores, but found nothing that floated my boat.
I was at Target with The Husband and found the most perfect patterned comforter that I instantly fell in love with. I didn't buy it, but couldn't stop thinking about it either. All weekend I thought of nothing else, and on Monday, I headed back to that Target to buy the comforter. Here is where I ran into my first issue. The comforter was on deep clearance, at only $7.83! A steal, right?? However, I couldn't find any of the other pieces at any other local store and Target wasn't willing to check any other store around the United States unless I had a zip code. I was willing to pay the shipping costs, but they weren't willing to help. Luckily, I was able to buy the 3-piece set, along with curtains and the crib skirt online. I was ecstatic about that. I couldn't, however, get the changing pad cover or any of the single crib sheets (so I could have more then the one that comes with the set).
I figured I could just find some solid colored sheets and changing pads to coordinate and it would have to do, because I loved the rest of the set so much, right?
Not so fast! My MIL is an amazing sewer (she sewed for Ford Motor Company for 30 years or so) and has agreed to make a changing pad and crib sheet from the curtains that come with the set. They are 100% cotton and very soft and feel just like a sheet! So I ordered two more curtains and VOILA! A nursery has been born :)
Not only is she going to make those, she is also adding material to the bottom of the curtains to make them floor length. A friend and I found some awesome coordinating fabrics to help get the look I have always dreamed of and I couldn't be happier!
Here is a picture of the main pattern (on the right, in the package). It is an off white background with light blue, orange, sage and brown animals (hippos, giraffes, elephants, camels). There is a very small polka dots and a flower pattern inside each animal. The green fabric with white polka dots in the upper left corner is what's going to be at the bottom of the curtains to give them more length. The color matches perfectly and I love the polka dots that ties in with the polka dots in the animals. The orange fabric with the white flowers will be tied into the room by a pillow and possibly some wall art. The other small swatch of blue and brown fabric (on top of the main pattern curtain) may or may not be used, I am not sure yet.
I think we are going to go with the very top paint color, a lighter shade of the same green in the curtains and green polka dot fabric. We tried the darker green that's also in there, toward the bottom, but it is way too dark and olive-y for the room.
I also found a great rug at Target that will hopefully go with all the colors and tie the room together:
The rug arrived today, on the same day The Husband picked up the crib and dresser! He is hoping to paint this weekend and then, hopefully, the room will slowly start to come together.
Just for fun, here is a picture of the crib and dresser we found at Babies R Us. We got a great deal on everything and are very happy with our purchase:
What do you all think? Do the fabrics go? Does the rug tie it all together like it does in MY head?
The only thing I am missing is a mobile. Do I even need one of those?
We have quite a list of projects to do before Baby S. gets here. We want to paint the family room, foyer and hallway. We would like to finish up the second flower bed in the front yard. We would like to paint the downstairs bathroom. We are definitely going to completely gut the main bathroom upstairs. And, obviously, we have to get the nursery completed. This is quite a list and The Husband is willing to tackle what he can. With Christmas arriving in the first month of my third trimester, a baby shower in early January and getting ready for Baby S. after that, I don't want to be running around, trying to finish up the nursery. I want to get it done before my third trimester even begins so I don't have to worry about it and can then focus on the holidays and doing what I can to prepare and (hopefully) relax as much as possible before our little one arrives.
After finding out we were pregnant, I immediately started planning. We had already decided (before we even got pregnant) that we would go it old school and not find out the gender. I have always, always wanted it this way. I love the idea of not knowing and hearing The Husband yell out in the hallway "It's a ___!!!" to all of those anxiously waiting. However, nowadays, this can cause some grief. ALOT of the bedding, clothing and what-have-yous are not gender neutral. It's either pink/purple or blue/red. It is difficult finding things that can work for either a boy or girl. So this has been my frustration since soon after getting our Big Fat Positive.
I found a few options that I didn't detest, but still nothing that made me go "Oh yes, this is what I have been dreaming about." I am not a huge fan of all the cartoonish animals and characters. I prefer the modern, somewhat eclectiv, colorful and not too matchy-matchy look. So I was constantly on the internet, looking at stores, but found nothing that floated my boat.
I was at Target with The Husband and found the most perfect patterned comforter that I instantly fell in love with. I didn't buy it, but couldn't stop thinking about it either. All weekend I thought of nothing else, and on Monday, I headed back to that Target to buy the comforter. Here is where I ran into my first issue. The comforter was on deep clearance, at only $7.83! A steal, right?? However, I couldn't find any of the other pieces at any other local store and Target wasn't willing to check any other store around the United States unless I had a zip code. I was willing to pay the shipping costs, but they weren't willing to help. Luckily, I was able to buy the 3-piece set, along with curtains and the crib skirt online. I was ecstatic about that. I couldn't, however, get the changing pad cover or any of the single crib sheets (so I could have more then the one that comes with the set).
I figured I could just find some solid colored sheets and changing pads to coordinate and it would have to do, because I loved the rest of the set so much, right?
Not so fast! My MIL is an amazing sewer (she sewed for Ford Motor Company for 30 years or so) and has agreed to make a changing pad and crib sheet from the curtains that come with the set. They are 100% cotton and very soft and feel just like a sheet! So I ordered two more curtains and VOILA! A nursery has been born :)
Not only is she going to make those, she is also adding material to the bottom of the curtains to make them floor length. A friend and I found some awesome coordinating fabrics to help get the look I have always dreamed of and I couldn't be happier!
Here is a picture of the main pattern (on the right, in the package). It is an off white background with light blue, orange, sage and brown animals (hippos, giraffes, elephants, camels). There is a very small polka dots and a flower pattern inside each animal. The green fabric with white polka dots in the upper left corner is what's going to be at the bottom of the curtains to give them more length. The color matches perfectly and I love the polka dots that ties in with the polka dots in the animals. The orange fabric with the white flowers will be tied into the room by a pillow and possibly some wall art. The other small swatch of blue and brown fabric (on top of the main pattern curtain) may or may not be used, I am not sure yet.
I think we are going to go with the very top paint color, a lighter shade of the same green in the curtains and green polka dot fabric. We tried the darker green that's also in there, toward the bottom, but it is way too dark and olive-y for the room.
I also found a great rug at Target that will hopefully go with all the colors and tie the room together:
The rug arrived today, on the same day The Husband picked up the crib and dresser! He is hoping to paint this weekend and then, hopefully, the room will slowly start to come together.
Just for fun, here is a picture of the crib and dresser we found at Babies R Us. We got a great deal on everything and are very happy with our purchase:
The only thing I am missing is a mobile. Do I even need one of those?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
It's been hard not talking about the biggest thing going on in our life, but I can finally share with the world (or at least 9 of you awesome followers) that The Husband and I are expecting our first child early next year! Our little bundle of joy has blessed us in so many ways and I can't believe it's already been three months.
Baby S. is set to make his or her appearance on or around February 14, 2012. Yes, Valentine's Day. The Husband and I got engaged on 2/13/08, so that is definitely a special time of year for us, but I sort of hope the baby doesn't arrive on V-Day. First of all, we already have two different sets of friends who had their babies on the same day, so it would definitely be a shared birthday. Loving my own birthday as much as I do, I would hate that for our little one :( Also, while we have never been big V-Day celebraters (ors?), I hate to think that we'll never have our own little romantic night out, just the two of us, again. I would never want to leave our little one alone on his or her birthday, just so we could have some alone time on, what some consider, a "Hallmark Holiday."
So that's the news going on in our world. What's happening with you?
Baby S. is set to make his or her appearance on or around February 14, 2012. Yes, Valentine's Day. The Husband and I got engaged on 2/13/08, so that is definitely a special time of year for us, but I sort of hope the baby doesn't arrive on V-Day. First of all, we already have two different sets of friends who had their babies on the same day, so it would definitely be a shared birthday. Loving my own birthday as much as I do, I would hate that for our little one :( Also, while we have never been big V-Day celebraters (ors?), I hate to think that we'll never have our own little romantic night out, just the two of us, again. I would never want to leave our little one alone on his or her birthday, just so we could have some alone time on, what some consider, a "Hallmark Holiday."
So that's the news going on in our world. What's happening with you?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I am back!
Just returned to work this morning after 10 days of vacation! It was such an awesome week. We had beautiful weather the entire time, with only one or two cloudy days and NO RAIN! We were so lucky! We spent time with family and friends and even took a day to drive around the Upper Peninsula (which I haven't seen much of until now).
It's been a crazy couple of weeks and it should only get more chaotic in the months to come. We are embracing the time we have together now and absolutely looking forward to what is to come. I can't wait to share more with you when the time comes!
How did you spend your holiday weekend?
It's been a crazy couple of weeks and it should only get more chaotic in the months to come. We are embracing the time we have together now and absolutely looking forward to what is to come. I can't wait to share more with you when the time comes!
How did you spend your holiday weekend?
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy 4th of July!
I am still at working, trying to get everything finished up before I head out for 10 days of vacation with The Husband and our little ones - Finn and Samson! We are heading up north for the week and we are super excited!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July! Enjoy the warmth, the time off work, the celebration, the fireworks, and the time with friends and family :)
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July! Enjoy the warmth, the time off work, the celebration, the fireworks, and the time with friends and family :)
Favorite Things,
Up North
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